Desert Agave
Agave deserti
Coachella Valley, California near Haystack Mountain
When this plant is 8 - 20 years old, it sends up a single flowering stalk, then after the plant has set fruit, the entire plant dies. Native Americans roasted the agave plant in rock-lined pits after leaves were removed with stone tools. Baked agave is a nutritious energy source rich in sugars.
Source : Janice Emily Bowers in One Hundred Desert Wildflowers of the Southwest
Agave deserti
Coachella Valley, California near Haystack Mountain
When this plant is 8 - 20 years old, it sends up a single flowering stalk, then after the plant has set fruit, the entire plant dies. Native Americans roasted the agave plant in rock-lined pits after leaves were removed with stone tools. Baked agave is a nutritious energy source rich in sugars.
Source : Janice Emily Bowers in One Hundred Desert Wildflowers of the Southwest